Welcome to ORPS Tennis
We are happy you’ve joined us here at Outdoor Resort, now come join us on the courts!
We have 10 hard courts, 2 ball machines for your use and free clinics to get you started!
Our court reservation system here at ORPS is called “Hold My Court” (HMC). HMC allows you to book a private court as well as view current bookings for morning drop-ins, leagues & mixers, etc.
Once you register for HMC, you will automatically be added to our Tennis Roster and begin receiving our informational emails. Emails will include news and upcoming Tennis event information.
We also post Tennis Event information on our website, bulletin boards throughout the resort (La Palma breezeway, Satellite laundry rooms and Clubhouses) and in the monthly news magazine The ORACLE.
A Tennis Calendar is published monthly from November to March and posted on the Tennis webpage or is available in hard copy from the Lifestyle and Events Office.
Contact the tennis committee at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Register for Hold My Court (HMC)
1. ORPS tennis members must register to use our online reservation system, Hold My Court (HMC).
2. If you have problems with the registration system please read the Hold My Court Frequently Ask Questions at https://holdmycourt.com/hmc/faq/ and if the problem persists, contact [email protected].
3. A link to the HMC court reservation system is on the Tennis webpage “Reserve a Court” or click on this link, https://holdmycourt.com/reserve2/orpstennis.
4. In the upper left-hand corner, click on the link labeled Sign in or Register and fill in the form for a New Registration.
5. How to Register

In the NAME field, include your first name, last name, AND your Lot number.
Enter your email address and phone number.
**Failure to enter all required information can result in your registration being removed from the system.
**If a spouse/partner is also a tennis member, a separate login account using a separate email address is required.
Once you click on the Register button the screen will update showing a successful registration.
[email protected] has been registered.
Please check to make sure that it is correct.
Enter your password in the form above.
Use a password that is not used for any other purpose.
6. Now login as instructed using your email address and a password of your choice.

7. You may reserve one tennis court per day for 2 hours of play. Only one name is required to make a reservation. The person making the reservation MUST be one of the players on the reserved court. If an Owner makes the reservation for a guest, he/she must be present at the court during play.
8. If you wish to reserve more than one court for a special function, your request must be submitted to the Tennis Committee in advance for approval. If your request is approved, the courts will be blocked out for you by the System Administrator.
9. Reservations can be made 7 days in advance from 6:00 am to Midnight. The first court reservation time is 8:00 am each day.
10. You must be on your reserved court at your reserved time. The grace period for keeping your court is 10 minutes else the court becomes available for other players. Court reservations that willgo unused should be canceled in advance. Failure to do so can result in loss of court booking privileges.